About Us
In 1995, 6 Taft-Hartley Benefit Funds banded together to negotiate discounts with providers that would otherwise have been unattainable by any single fund on its own. Today, this voluntary organization is known as the Delaware Valley Health Care Coalition, Inc. (DVHCC). The DVHCC is a non-profit voluntary association comprised of multi-employer trust funds, labor unions, employee health benefit organizations representing governmental entities, law enforcement, and emergency management service, as well as schools and school districts in over fourteen states and the District of Columbia.
The DVHCC is governed by its own members under the direction of the President and the Coalition’s officers. Today, the DVHCC consists of over 225 groups covering more than 3 millions lives and growing.
The DVHCC provides innovative quality health care products and services through deep discount mass purchasing while allowing each group to remain completely autonomous.
The DVHCC promotes research, collection of data, and legal review for the purpose of education, awareness and informational exchange.
The DVHCC provides access to all the information and resources you need to make informed, economical decisions.
The DVHCC provides access to the full RFP process and overall cost analysis on all health care products.
The DVHCC promotes progress towards safe, efficient, high-quality health care and improved health outcomes.
DVHCC Officers
President John Heenan, jheenan@dvhcc.org
Treasurer Michael Previtera, Fund Administrator, IUPAT District Council 21
Executive Director Ray Convery, Administrator, Law Enforcement Health Benefits
Executive Director Edward M. Fox, Fund Administrator, Building Laborers’ Local #310 Fringe Benefit Funds
DVHCC Board of Directors
Robert Blumenfeld, Fund Manager, Trucking Employees of North Jersey Welfare Fund
Ray Convery, Administrator, Law Enforcement Health Benefits
Ed Fox, Fund Administrator, Building Laborers’ Local #310 Fringe Benefit Funds
John Heenan, Administrator, Operating Engineers #542 Funds
Samuel J. Kenish, Administrator, Teamsters Local #830 Health & Welfare, Pension Fund
Joseph Obuchowicz, Administrator, Eastern Atlantic States Carpenters Benefit Funds
Alan Parham, Administrator, Laborers District Council Construction Industry, Laborers District Council Heavy & Highway Fund, Laborers District Council Building & Construction Health & Welfare
Michael Previtera, Fund Administrator, IUPAT District Council 21
Regina C. Reardon, Administrator, UFCW Local #1776 Participating Employers Health & Welfare Fund, UFCW of Central PA, UFCW of Northeastern PA
Jim Rocks, Administrator, Steamfitters Local #420
Director of Organizing Jim Manion Jr. jmanion@dvhcc.org
Executive Assistant to the President Karen Cassel, kcassel@dvhcc.org
Administrative Assistant Leigh Anna Knappick, lknappick@dvhcc.org
Ohio Organizer Thomas M. Riley, triley@dvhcc.org