
(215) 676-7940

Promise Labor Benefits



Promise Labor Benefits (Promise) has partnered with the DVHCC to offer three Humana Medicare Advantage with Prescription Drug (MAPD) plan options designed to fit any budget.

Promise Plans are not a replacement for Medicare retiree health plans members may already be receiving from your Fund. Promise Plans are explicitly for Medicare retirees who do not meet their Funds eligibility requirements to receive retiree health benefits OR Medicare eligible retirees without access to a Fund sponsored group retiree health plan.

If your Fund is like most unions, you can’t afford group retiree healthcare plans, leaving your Medicare-eligible members to fend for themselves on the individual market. To address this problem, the DVHCC partnered with Promise Labor Benefits to leverage the collective bargaining power of the coalition to make Humana Medicare Advantage plans available through DVHCC Member Funds.


The Plans are:

EXCLUSIVE – Promise Medicare benefits will only be made available through DVHCC Member Funds as an exclusive offering for your Medicare eligible members.

RICHER BENEFITS – These exclusive plans are not available on the individual markets for your members.

      • Prescription drug plan covers 99.6% of all Medicare allowed prescriptions.
      • Plans provide nationwide access to healthcare providers (not just local or regional coverage).

LOWER COST – Unlike the individual market for Medicare plans, Promise plans are Group plans and the prices of these plans were negotiated using the leverage and collective bargaining power of the DVHCC. 

SIMPLE & SEAMLESS – Plan contracting is at the Coalition level, making Promise Medicare benefits simple, seamless and costless for member Funds with no administration or regulatory burdens.

NON-CONTRIBUTORY – The union is not required to pay a portion of the plan’s cost that is customary with a group plan offering.


Promise Medicare Benefits addresses the challenges of the individual market and delivers a win for retirees, Funds, the DVHCC, and the future of labor.

For more information, please visit


Contact Information:

Mark Whitcher

Chief Executive Officer


Nicole Allen

Chief Operating Officer
